Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS):
retell, paraphrase, or summarize texts in ways that maintain meaning and logical order;
NOTE: Only summarizing of informational texts, not retelling or paraphrasing, is eligible for assessment in the transition years of 2019-2020 and 2020-2021.
Florida - Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking:
Summarize a text to enhance comprehension.
a. Include plot and theme for a literary text. b. Include the central idea and relevant details for an informational text.
4th Grade Reading - Summarizing Lesson
A summary of a text is a shortretelling of it.
When SUMMARIZING, include only the mainidea and the most importantkeyideas and details. The length of the summary will determine how much information to include, but always include the main idea.
When SUMMARIZING a story, include the most important characters and events. A story summary should have a beginning, middle, and end. Longer summaries will include more main events, but shorter ones will include only the most defining events in the story.
When you write a summary of a text, you must put the author's ideas intoyourownwords. This is called paraphrasing.
All summaries should —
Include only the mostimportantideas and/or events.
Present ideas and events in the same logicalorder as in the original text.
Have the same meaning as the original text.
Be written in your ownwords, not the author's original words.